Archive for the 'Funding' Category

Apr 07 2021

HRSA-21-079 Long-term Follow-up for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and Other Newborn Screening Conditions

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The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is accepting applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Long-term Follow-up for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency and Other Newborn Screening Conditions Program. The goal of this program is to ensure that newborns and children identified through newborn screening (NBS) achieve the best possible outcomes, by expanding the ability of state public health agencies to provide screening, counseling and services to these newborns and children. This NOFO supports this goal by making available funding to support comprehensive models of long-term follow-up (LTFU) that demonstrate collaborations between clinicians, public health agencies, and families.

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Apr 07 2021

HRSA-21-085 State Newborn Screening Interoperability Implementation Program

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The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is accepting applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2021 State Newborn Screening Interoperability Implementation Program. The goal of the program is to support states in implementing activities towards achieving full data interoperability relating to newborns and children having or at risk for heritable disorders identified through newborn screening.

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Apr 01 2013

Funding Opportunity for Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency

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The CDC has announced a funding opportunity entitled, “Program to Support New Implementation of State or Territorial Public Health Laboratory Capacity for Newborn Bloodspot Screening of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).” The purpose of this funding opportunity is to increase the number of states and territories with active SCID newborn screening programs, and thereby identify and refer for treatment a greater number of affected newborns. Approximately $1,800,000 will be available to fund up to three awards (the size of each award will also vary but will not to exceed $400,000).

The application due date is May 28, 2013.

Funding opportunity number: CDC-RFA-EH13-1303

For more information, go to:;jsessionid=QWQsRVJSCNn1L2Jw7Tb2wGcy7bVp0mSQJR6HYXVthgv41YYpY7mq!934180115?oppId=228474&mode=VIEW

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Aug 04 2010

Newborn Screening Grants

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HTML clipboardOn Tuesday, July 19, the NIH announced two grant programs for newborn screening research. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disease, and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders jointly issued a funding opportunity announcement (FOA) for an R21 program. A grant through the program will support research regarding therapeutic solutions for currently screened conditions and “high-priority” genetic diseases, which may be part of newborn screening in the near future. The grants will provide up to $275,000 for research projects, which can span a maximum of two years. For more information about this grant opportunity, go to:

The NIH also issued an FOA for an R03 program, which will also fund research relevant to therapeutic solutions for currently screened and “high-priority” conditions. The grant program can provide funds for different types of research, including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology. The R03 program provides grants for institutions with limited resources to carry out smaller projects over a shorter period of time. Both grants will also support research about genetic risk factors and the relationship between phenotype and genotype. For more information about this funding opportunity, go to:

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Nov 13 2008

Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act

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On October 8, 2008, President Bush signed the Prenatally and Postnatally Disgnosed Conditions Awareness Act into law. This act authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a grant program to collect and disseminate information regarding Down syndrome or other prenatally or postnatally diagnosed diseases and to coordinate the provision of support services for those who receive a diagnosis of one of those diseases. To view the full text of the act, go to:

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Mar 04 2008

New CPT codes that may be helpful for genetic counselors

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An update on the CPT codes from Debra Doyle, our colleague in the WA Department of Health:

January 1, 2008 marked the beginning of a new edition of CPT codes (registered trademark of the American Medical Association) and I wanted to alert you to a couple of new codes that may be helpful to you or your facility.

A) Medical Team Conferences

99366 Medical Team Conference with interdisciplinary team of health care professionals, face-to-face with patient and/or family, 30 minutes or more, participation by non-physician qualified health care professional.

Special notes: team conference services of less than 30 minutes duration are NOT reported and team conference services by a physician have a different Evaluation and Management (E/M) code.

99367 Medical Team Conference with interdisciplinary team of health care professionals, patient and/or family not present, 30 minutes or more; participation by physician (GCs won’t use this but it may be used by docs you work with)

99368 Participation by Non-Physician qualified healthcare professional.

Medical team conferences include face-to-face participation by a minimum of 3 qualified health care professionals (and genetic counselors and geneticists are specifically identified within the “for example” rationale) from different specialties or disciplines, each of whom provide direct care to the patient, with or without the presence of the patient, family member(s), community agencies, surrogate decision maker(s) (e.g., legal guardians and/or care givers). The participants are actively involved in the development, revision, coordination, and implementation of health care services needed by the patient. Reporting participants shall have performed face-to-face evaluation(s) or treatment(s) of the patient, independent of any team conference within the previous 60 days.

  • MDs report their participation via E/M codes.
  • Other reporting participants must document their participation in the team conference as well as their contributed information and subsequent treatment recommendations.
  • No more than one individual from the same specialty may report 99366-99368 at the same encounter (yes – the geneticist and GC as would be viewed as from the same specialty).
  • You should not report your participation in a team conference if your involvement is part of a facility or organizational service contractually provided by the organization or facility provider.
  • The team conference starts at the beginning of the review of an individual patient and ends at the conclusion of the review. Time related to record keeping and generating a report is NOT reported.
  • The reporting participant shall be present for all time reported.
  • The time reported is not limited to the time that the participant is communicating to the other team members or patient and/or family.
  • Time reported for medical team conferences may NOT be used in the determination of time for other services such as care plan oversight (99374-99380) prolonged services (99354-99359) psychotherapy or any E/M service.
  • For team conferences where the patient is present for any part of the duration of the conference, non-physician qualified heath care professionals report the team conference face-to-face code 99366.

Sidenote: In thinking through this code, I spoke with many of you that come from varied clinical backgrounds and it seemed that these codes may be useful particularly for those of you that provide services in multidisciplinary clinics such as maxillofacial clinics, metabolic clinics, and neuro/ortho clinics – but I could also envision some perinatal centers that perhaps convene a multidisciplinary team when a prenatal diagnosis of an abnormality is made and multiple/diverse consultations are sought for the management/delivery/treatment of the infant.

B) Telephone and On-Line Medical Evaluations

Non-Face-to-Face Non-Physician Services – telephone and on-line medical evaluation.

98966 Telephone assessment and management service provided by a qualified non-physician health care professional to an established patient, parent, or guardian not originating from a related assessment and management service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an assessment and management service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment, 5-10 minutes of medical discussion.

98967 11-20 minutes of medical discussion

98968 21-30 minutes of medical discussion

Special notes: The patient must be an established patient.

98969 On-line assessment and management service provided by a qualified non-physician health care professional to an established patient, guardian, or health care provider not originating from a related assessment and management service provided within the previous 7 days, using the Internet or similar electronic communications network.

Special notes: Cannot be used for anticoagulation management. And again, it must be an established patient.

The rationale for these codes and their potential benefits are obvious – but just a reminder – having codes doesn’t necessarily translate into codes being paid for by insurers! Best we can do is keep trying to accurately articulate the services we’re providing and hope that they’ll be compensated.

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Dec 19 2007

CATCH Implementation Funds

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The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is accepting applications for its Community Access to Child Health (CATCH) Implementation Funds program to support the initial or pilot stage of development or implementation of a community-based child health initiative. The program will award up to $12,000 over six months in two equal installments. Eligible applicants are pediatricians from the United States and its territories who are AAP members and can document past planning initiatives and needs assessments and a realistic, achievable evaluation system for the program. The WSGSC is willing to collaborate with any AAP members who are interested in applying for a CATCH grant. Deadline: Jan. 31, 2008. For more information, go to:

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Dec 19 2007

CDC Funding Announcement

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The CDCs National Office of Public Health Genomics has announced a funding opportunity entitled “Genomic Applications in Practice and Prevention: Translation Research.” Potential projects should conduct research that will accelerate the translation of genomics into public health practice. Award amounts range from $200,000 to $350,000. The application deadline is February 27, 2008. For more information, go to:;jsessionid=HLHJnKsTGk

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