Minority Genetics Professional Network Resources

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The Minority Genetic Professionals Network was created by the Western States Regional Genetics Network to address the limited racial and ethnic diversity among medical genetic professionals. Few high school and undergraduate students are aware of opportunities in these professions, and that is even more true among students from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds. This lack of diversity impacts patient access in North American communities of color, with less availability of genetic services, less awareness of these services, and few providers from these communities who patients feel comfortable with. The MGPN serves as an organized way for genetic professionals of racial and ethnic minority backgrounds to connect with one another to address these issues together.


To create a place for racial and ethnic minority medical genetic professionals and those training to enter such professions to connect with one another for the purposes of mutual support and community outreach. Medical genetic professionals include medical geneticists, genetic counselors, genetics nurses, and physician assistants in genetics.


Minority genetic professionals and genetic professionals in training have peers to reach out to in order to feel supported in their places of work and education.
Minority genetic professionals and genetic professionals in training have opportunities to collaborate and increase awareness in their communities about:

  • Career opportunities in medical genetic services
  • The importance of medical genetic services for individuals and families
An increased number of minority students choose to enter careers in medical genetics. Patients from minority communities feel more comfortable seeking out genetic services.

MGPN information for Students and Trainees

MGPN information for Practicing Professionals

The Minority Genetic Professionals Network has a mentoring program that facilitates one-to-one mentoring relationships to connect mentees with leaders in the network and foster professional learning and development. Career mentoring helps mentees to expand their networks, gain new knowledge and insights, and build new skills. Mentors gain leadership experience and personal growth by helping others in the field. Mentorships can last over a period of months or they can be a one-time flash mentorship on a specific topic.

Prospective Student Resource Links and Recommendations:

Genetic Counseling Safe-Space (prospective GC student network): https://discord.com/invite/Q4Nb8D5




Genetic counselors are very active on twitter and Instagram, and there are many blogs and podcasts out there as well.  Follow the hashtag #GCChat on twitter, and search for genetics and genetic counseling related accounts on Instagram.