Run by the Genetic Alliance, this website is the nation’s newborn screening clearinghouse. It provides current educational and family support and services information, materials, and resources about newborn screening at the local, state, and national levels.
Developed by the Surgeon General, My Family Portrait is a tool that can help families collect family health histories. It contains information and a form to fill out about your family health history, helps families understand their genetic inheritance and risk for disease, can be used to partner with medical professionals, and comes in several languages.
Information, news research, resources and much more about rare disorders.
The National Human Genome Research Institute has compiled a list of online genetics educational materials.
Fact sheets and other resources for individuals and families developed by the Pacific Northwest Regional Genetics Group (PacNoRGG) about genetic testing, genetic screening, and some specific genetic conditions.
Handbooks developed by the Genetic Alliance with information about genes, chromosomes, diagnosis, newborn screening, genetic testing, and more.