Aug 31 2021
Translation of Our Acclaimed What to Expect from a Telehealth Visit
Updated Mandarin Chinese/Traditional Text translation of our acclaimed What to Expect from a Telehealth Visit: “遠距醫療看診須知 (普通話配音,繁體文本)”
- The WSRGN has updated its Mandarin translation with traditional characters of the What to Expect from a Telehealth Visit. This is the update to the fourth of several translations to come out this year.
Mandarin Chinese/Simplified Text translation of our acclaimed What to Expect from a Telehealth Visit: “远距医疗看诊须知 (普通话画外音,简体字)”
- The WSRGN has created a Mandarin translation with simplified characters of the What to Expect from a Telehealth Visit. This is the fifth of several translations to come out this year.
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